Stop smoking

  • Quit with help

    Everyone has a different reason for quitting, get a personalised Quit Smoking Plan.

    Quit with help

  • NHS Quit smoking

    Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from. Check out their advice, tools and tips.

    NHS: Quit smoking

  • Portsmouth City Council’s Quit smoking

    We can offer you real support and advice on giving up smoking. You’ll be able to learn techniques to change your behaviour to make a long-term positive health choice.

    Quit smoking – Portsmouth City Counci

  • Live Life Well

    You’re three times more likely to quit smoking with our support. We have drop-in clinics throughout the city and your GP surgery may also have a wellbeing clinic where we can see you. We can also give one-to-one help.

    Portsmouth Wellbeing Service