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Minor injuries

  • St Mary’s NHS Treatment Centre

    Our team of skilled nurse practitioners can offer treatment, advice and information for a range of minor injuries and illnesses. Our waiting times can be considerably less than emergency departments and if we are unable to help, we can refer or redirect you to the most appropriate service.


  • Local Urgent Treatment Centres

    You can visit your nearest Urgent Treatment Centre for a wide range of minor injuries and illnesses, such as:
    Minor head and eye wounds
    – Sprains, strains and breaks to arms, lower legs, and feet
    – Minor head injuries with no loss of consciousness or penetrating injuries
    – Abscesses and bites
    – New cuts and wounds
    – Wound infections
    – Minor burns or scalds
    – Emergency contraception
    – Minor pregnancy issues

    Waiting times are usually much less than at the Emergency Department/ Accident and Emergency.

    Urgent Treatment Centres Portsmouth